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FAQ Visual Basic

FAQ Visual Basic Consultez toutes les FAQ

Nombre d'auteurs : 50, nombre de questions : 300, dernière mise à jour : 15 juin 2021 


Cochez Microsoft MAPI Controls 6.0 dans la liste des composants.
Insérez un contrôle MAPISession et un contrôle MAPIMessages à votre projet

MAPIMessages1.MsgIndex = -1
MAPIMessages1.SessionID = MAPISession1.SessionID
MAPIMessages1.RecipDisplayName = ""  'Destinataire
MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject = "Un petit bonjour"       'Objet
MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText = "Salut."                'Texte
Mis à jour le 2 mai 2006  par Romain Puyfoulhoux

NOTE : à partir de Windows 2000 Il existe déjà la méthode d'envoi par MAPI dans la FAQ mais tout le monde n'a pas de serveur Exchange. Ajouter la référence "Microsoft CDO for Windows x Library (cdosys.dll)"

Dim config As CDO.Configuration 
Dim email As CDO.Message 
Set config = New CDO.Configuration 
With config.Fields 
    .Item("") = CDO.cdoSendUsingPort 
    .Item("") = "" 
End With 
Set email = New CDO.Message 
With email 
    Set .Configuration = config 
    .From = "" 
    .To = "" 
    .Subject = "Sujet" 
    .Textbody = "Blabla" 
End With
Créé le 13 juin 2005  par hpj

Le codage base 64 est l'un des formats de base servant à encoder les fichiers attachés dans les e-mails en vue de leur transmission. Ce code pourra vous servir à décoder les fichiers attachés en base64.

Placer ce code dans la section Générale d'un formulaire ou dans un module :

Function Base64Decode(ByVal base64String as String) as String
    Const Base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
    Dim dataLength, sOut, groupBegin
    Dim numDataBytes, CharCounter, thisChar, thisData, nGroup, pOut
    'Suppression des espaces/entrées/tab, s'il y en a
    base64String = Replace(base64String, vbCrLf, "")
    base64String = Replace(base64String, vbTab, "")
    base64String = Replace(base64String, " ", "")
    'la longueur de la chaîne passée doit être un multiple de 4
    dataLength = Len(base64String)
    If dataLength Mod 4 <> 0 Then
        Err.Raise 1, "Base64Decode", "Bad Base64 string."
        Exit Function
    End If
    ' Decodage de chaque groupe:
    For groupBegin = 1 To dataLength Step 4
        ' Chaque groupe se transforme en 3 octets.
        numDataBytes = 3
        nGroup = 0
        For CharCounter = 0 To 3
            ' On convertit chaque caractère en 6 bits de données, et l'ajouter à un
            'entier pour assurer le stockage temporaire. Si le caractère est
            'un '=', il y a un byte de données de moins (il ne peut avoir que 2 '=' au
            'maximum dans toute la chaine).
            thisChar = Mid(base64String, groupBegin + CharCounter, 1)
            If thisChar = "=" Then
                numDataBytes = numDataBytes - 1
                thisData = 0
                thisData = InStr(1, Base64, thisChar, vbBinaryCompare) - 1
            End If
            If thisData = -1 Then
                Err.Raise 2, "Base64Decode", "Bad character In Base64 string."
                Exit Function
            End If
            nGroup = 64 * nGroup + thisData
        'Hex divise l'entier long en 6 groupes de 4 bits
        nGroup = Hex(nGroup)
        'Ajout des zéros de tête
        nGroup = String(6 - Len(nGroup), "0") & nGroup
        'Conversion de l'entier en héxa en 3 caractères
        pOut = Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(nGroup, 1, 2))) + _
          Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(nGroup, 3, 2))) + _
          Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(nGroup, 5, 2)))
        'concatenation avec la chaîne de sortie
        sOut = sOut & Left(pOut, numDataBytes)
    Base64Decode = sOut
End Function
Créé le 26 avril 2004  par Alexandre Lokchine
'Envoi d'un mail avec Lotus Notes
'Subject : sujet du mail
'Attachment : nom d'une pièce jointe
'Recipient : adresse e-mail du destinataire principal
'ccRecipient : destinataire en copie
'bccRecipient : destinataire en copie invisible
'BodyText : corps du mail
'SaveIt : mettre à True pour que le mail soit sauvegardé
'Password : mot de passe
Public Sub SendNotesMail(ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Attachment As String, _
                         ByVal Recipient As String, ByVal ccRecipient As String, _
                         ByVal bccRecipient As String, ByVal BodyText As String, _
                         ByVal SaveIt As Boolean, ByVal Password As String)
    Dim Maildb As Object      'La base des mails
    Dim UserName As String    'Le nom d'utilisateur
    Dim MailDbName As String  'Le nom de la base des mails
    Dim MailDoc As Object     'Le mail
    Dim AttachME As Object    'L'objet pièce jointe en RTF
    Dim Session As Object     'La session Notes
    Dim EmbedObj As Object    'L'objet incorporé
    'Crée une session notes
    Set Session = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    '*** Cette ligne est réservée aux versions 5.x et supérieur : ***
    Session.Initialize (Password)
    'Récupère le nom d'utilisateur et crée le nom de la base des mails
    UserName = Session.UserName
    MailDbName = Left$(UserName, 1) & Right$(UserName, (Len(UserName) - InStr(1, UserName, " "))) & ".nsf"
    'Ouvre la base des mails
    Set Maildb = Session.GETDATABASE("", MailDbName)
    If Not Maildb.ISOPEN Then Maildb.OPENMAIL
    'Paramètre le mail à envoyer
    Set MailDoc = Maildb.CREATEDOCUMENT
    MailDoc.Form = "Memo"
    MailDoc.sendto = Recipient
    MailDoc.CopyTo = ccRecipient
    MailDoc.BlindCopyTo = bccRecipient
    MailDoc.Subject = Subject
    MailDoc.Body = BodyText
    'Prend en compte les pièces jointes
    If Attachment <> "" Then
        Set AttachME = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Attachment")
        Set EmbedObj = AttachME.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", Attachment, "Attachment")
        MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM ("Attachment")
    End If
    'Envoie le mail
    MailDoc.PostedDate = Now()
    MailDoc.SEND 0, Recipient
    Set Maildb = Nothing
    Set MailDoc = Nothing
    Set AttachME = Nothing
    Set Session = Nothing
    Set EmbedObj = Nothing
End Sub

Il est aussi possible d'indiquer à Lotus Notes plusieurs destinataires en affectant un tableau de type Variant à la propriété sendto :

Dim recip(25) as Variant
recip(0) = "emailaddress1"
recip(1) = "emailaddress2"
maildoc.sendto = recip
Créé le 26 avril 2004  par Alexandre Lokchine

Copiez ce code dans un module standard :

Private Const MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH As Long = 256
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS As Long = 0
    IpAddr(0 To 15) As Byte
End Type
    IpMask(0 To 15) As Byte
End Type
    dwNext As Long
    dwContext As Long
End Type
    dwNext As Long
    ComboIndex As Long  'reserved
    sAdapterName(0 To (MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH + 3)) As Byte
    sDescription(0 To (MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH + 3)) As Byte
    dwAddressLength As Long
    sIPAddress(0 To (MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH - 1)) As Byte
    dwIndex As Long
    uType As Long
    uDhcpEnabled As Long
    CurrentIpAddress As Long
    IpAddressList As IP_ADDR_STRING
    GatewayList As IP_ADDR_STRING
    DhcpServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
    bHaveWins As Long
    PrimaryWinsServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
    SecondaryWinsServer As IP_ADDR_STRING
    LeaseObtained As Long
    LeaseExpires As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function GetAdaptersInfo Lib "iphlpapi.dll" _
                                         (pTcpTable As Any, pdwSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
                               (dst As Any, src As Any, ByVal bcount As Long)
Private Function TrimNull(item As String)
Dim pos As Integer
pos = InStr(item, Chr$(0))
If pos Then
    TrimNull = Left$(item, pos - 1)
    TrimNull = item
End If
End Function
Public Function LocalIPAddress() As String
Dim cbRequired  As Long
Dim buff()      As Byte
Dim Adapter     As IP_ADAPTER_INFO
Dim AdapterStr  As IP_ADDR_STRING
Dim ptr1        As Long
Dim sIPAddr     As String
Dim found       As Boolean
GetAdaptersInfo ByVal 0&, cbRequired
If cbRequired > 0 Then
    ReDim buff(0 To cbRequired - 1) As Byte
    If GetAdaptersInfo(buff(0), cbRequired) = ERROR_SUCCESS Then
        ptr1 = VarPtr(buff(0))
        Do While (ptr1 <> 0)
            CopyMemory Adapter, ByVal ptr1, LenB(Adapter)
            With Adapter
                sIPAddr = TrimNull(StrConv(.IpAddressList.IpAddress.IpAddr, vbUnicode))
                If Len(sIPAddr) > 0 Then
                    found = True
                    Exit Do
                End If
                ptr1 = .dwNext
            End With
    End If
End If
LocalIPAddress = sIPAddr
End Function

La fonction LocalIPAddress() vous renvoie l'adresse IP.

Créé le 17 février 2004  par Alexandre Lokchine, Romain Puyfoulhoux

Copiez cette déclaration au début d'un module standard :

Public Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" _
                                        (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Copiez ensuite cette fonction dans votre module : (pour Win 98)

Private Function NomOrdinateur() As String
Dim sComputerName As String
Dim iSize As Long
'Un premier appel pour avoir le nombre de caractères nécéssaire pour sComputerName
GetComputerName sComputerName, iSize
'On met sComputerName à la bonne taille
sComputerName = Space(iSize)
'Appel final
GetComputerName sComputerName, iSize
NomOrdinateur = sComputerName
'PS : On aurait aussi pu déclarer sComputerName avec une taille assez grande :
'     (dim sComputerName as string*32).
'     Un seul appel de GetComputerName aurait alors suffit
End Function

Pour Win 2000 et supérieur :

Dim NomOrdinateur As String
NomOrdinateur = Environ("COMPUTERNAME")
Mis à jour le 13 juin 2005  par Abelman, hpj

La fonction ConnexionInternetActive() ci-dessous renvoie Vrai si l'on est connecté à internet.

Private Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState Lib "wininet.dll" _
                                                   (ByRef lpdwFlags As Long, _
                                                    ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long
Public Function ConnexionInternetActive() As Boolean
ConnexionInternetActive = InternetGetConnectedState(0&, 0&)
End Function
Créé le 17 février 2004  par Romain Puyfoulhoux

Cochez "Microsoft Internet Transfer Control" dans les composants du projet. Placez un contrôle de ce type sur une form. Son nom par défaut est "Inet1". Le code ci-dessous montre comment l'utiliser pour uploader un fichier :

Private Sub CopieParFtp(ByVal source As String, ByVal destination, ByVal login As String, _
                        ByVal motdepasse As String, ByVal url As String)
With Inet1
    .AccessType = icDirect
    .Protocol = icFTP
    .URL = "ftp://" & login & ":" & motdepasse & "@" & url
    .Execute , "SEND " & source & " " & "/" & destination
    While .StillExecuting
End With
End Sub

Voici un exemple d'appel à la procédure :

CopieParFtp "c:\lettre.txt", "lettre.txt", "bill", "HgDrk62B", ""
Créé le 17 février 2004  par ThierryAIM, Romain Puyfoulhoux
'Déclaration des API 
Private Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet.dll" _
                                            (ByVal hInet As Long) As Integer 
Private Declare Function InternetConnect Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "InternetConnectA" _
                      (ByVal hInternetSession As Long, ByVal sServerName As String, _
                           ByVal nServerPort As Integer, ByVal sUserName As String, _
         ByVal sPassword As String, ByVal lService As Long, _
 ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lContext As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "InternetOpenA" _
                               (ByVal sAgent As String, ByVal lAccessType As Long, _
 ByVal sProxyName As String, ByVal sProxyBypass As String, _
 ByVal lFlags As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Function FtpSetCurrentDirectory Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA" _
                         (ByVal hFtpSession As Long, ByVal lpszDirectory As String) As Boolean 
Private Declare Function FtpPutFile Lib "wininet.dll" Alias "FtpPutFileA" _
                           (ByVal hConnect As Long, ByVal lpszLocalFile As String, _
 ByVal lpszNewRemoteFile As String, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
 ByVal dwContext As Long) As Boolean 
Private Sub envoi_fichier_Click() 
Dim HwndConnect As Long 
Dim HwndOpen As Long 
HwndOpen = InternetOpen("SiteWeb", 0, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0) 'Ouvre internet 
HwndConnect = InternetConnect(HwndOpen, "", 21, "mon_username", _
                                              "mon_password", 1, 0, 0) 'Connection au site ftp 
'On arrive par défaut dans le répertoire 
'Cependant, je veux envoyer le fichier dans le dossier page_web/documents 
'Donc il faut que je me déplace dans le ftp pour me positionner dans le bon répertoire 
FtpSetCurrentDirectory HwndConnect, "page_web/documents" 
'Le fichier est envoyé ici 
'Mon fichier sur le disque dur est le suivant: C:\windows\bureau\test.txt 
'Cependant, je veux que le fichier sur le ftp se nomme shwin.txt donc, le fichier test.txt est renommé en shwin.txt quand il est envoyé
'On aurait pu laisser le nom test.txt au lieu de shwin.txt mais ainsi, on a un exemple de renommage. 
FtpPutFile HwndConnect, "C:\windows\bureau\test.txt", "shwin.txt", &H0, 0 
InternetCloseHandle HwndConnect 'Ferme la connection 
InternetCloseHandle HwndOpen 'Ferme internet
Créé le 13 juin 2005  par shwin

Une méthode consiste à passer par les appels internes de NetBIOS. La fonction NetServerEnum() n'étant disponible que sur Windows NT ou supérieur, ce code ne fonctionne pas sur Windows 9x.

Copiez le code suivant dans un module :

'Définition des constantes
Private Const MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH As Long = -1
Private Const NERR_SUCCESS As Long = 0&
Private Const ERROR_MORE_DATA As Long = 234&
Private Const SV_TYPE_ALL As Long = &HFFFFFFFF
Private Const SV_PLATFORM_ID_OS2 As Long = 400
Private Const SV_PLATFORM_ID_NT As Long = 500
'Masque pour obtenir la version OS Majeure à partir de la variable version globale
Private Const MAJOR_VERSION_MASK As Long = &HF
Private Type SERVER_INFO_100
    sv100_platform_id As Long
    sv100_name As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function NetServerEnum Lib "netapi32" _
  (ByVal servername As Long, ByVal level As Long, buf As Any, _
   ByVal prefmaxlen As Long, entriesread As Long, totalentries As Long, _
   ByVal servertype As Long, ByVal domain As Long, resume_handle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "netapi32" (ByVal Buffer As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
  (pTo As Any, uFrom As Any, ByVal lSize As Long)
Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" _
  (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
Public Function GetServers(sDomain As String) As String
    'liste de tous les serveurs dans un domaine
    Dim bufptr          As Long
    Dim dwEntriesread   As Long
    Dim dwTotalentries  As Long
    Dim dwResumehandle  As Long
    Dim se100           As SERVER_INFO_100
    Dim success         As Long
    Dim nStructSize     As Long
    Dim cnt             As Long
    Dim resultat        As String
    nStructSize = LenB(se100)
    'la liste des noms est obtenue avec la fonction NetServerEnum
    success = NetServerEnum(0&, 100, bufptr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, dwEntriesread, _
                           dwTotalentries, SV_TYPE_ALL, 0&, dwResumehandle)
    If success = NERR_SUCCESS And _
          success <> ERROR_MORE_DATA Then 'si tout se passe bien
        For cnt = 0 To dwEntriesread - 1
            CopyMemory se100, ByVal bufptr + (nStructSize * cnt), nStructSize
            'on scanne le buffer en memoire et pour chaque entrée, conversion en String
            resultat = resultat & GetPointerToByteStringW(se100.sv100_name) & "|"
   End If
  'nettoyage du buffer que le système a reservé pour la liste des noms
   Call NetApiBufferFree(bufptr)
  'on retourne le string contenants les noms separés par des "|"
   GetServers = resultat
End Function
Public Function GetPointerToByteStringW(ByVal dwData As Long) As String
    'fonction auxilliaire qui reçoit un pointeur vers une chaîne dans un buffer interne
    'Windows et la convertit en String exploitable en VB
    Dim tmp() As Byte
    Dim tmplen As Long
    If dwData <> 0 Then    
        tmplen = lstrlenW(dwData) * 2        
        If tmplen <> 0 Then        
            ReDim tmp(0 To (tmplen - 1)) As Byte
            CopyMemory tmp(0), ByVal dwData, tmplen
            GetPointerToByteStringW = tmp         
        End If     
    End If
End Function

Ensuite, la fonction GetServers est utilisée de la manière suivante :

Dim maliste as String

Cette fonction nous retourne la liste des noms des machines, séparés par le caractère "|". Il est ensuite recommandé d'appeler la fonction Split() pour copier les noms dans un tableau.

Créé le 26 avril 2004  par Alexandre Lokchine

Une adresse MAC est un identifiant stocké dans une interface réseau. Copiez le code ci-dessous dans un module standard. La fonction GetMACAddress() vous renvoie l'adresse MAC.

Private Const NCBASTAT As Long = &H33
Private Const NCBNAMSZ As Long = 16
Private Const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY As Long = &H8
Private Const NCBRESET As Long = &H32
    'definition du type net control Block
    ncb_command    As Byte
    ncb_retcode    As Byte
    ncb_lsn        As Byte
    ncb_num        As Byte
    ncb_buffer     As Long
    ncb_length     As Integer
    ncb_callname   As String * NCBNAMSZ
    ncb_name       As String * NCBNAMSZ
    ncb_rto        As Byte
    ncb_sto        As Byte
    ncb_post       As Long
    ncb_lana_num   As Byte
    ncb_cmd_cplt   As Byte
    ncb_reserve(9) As Byte
    ncb_event      As Long
End Type
    'definition du type pour definir le statut de l'adaptateur réseau
    adapter_address(5) As Byte
    rev_major         As Byte
    reserved0         As Byte
    adapter_type      As Byte
    rev_minor         As Byte
    duration          As Integer
    frmr_recv         As Integer
    frmr_xmit         As Integer
    iframe_recv_err   As Integer
    xmit_aborts       As Integer
    xmit_success      As Long
    recv_success      As Long
    iframe_xmit_err   As Integer
    recv_buff_unavail As Integer
    t1_timeouts       As Integer
    ti_timeouts       As Integer
    Reserved1         As Long
    free_ncbs         As Integer
    max_cfg_ncbs      As Integer
    max_ncbs          As Integer
    xmit_buf_unavail  As Integer
    max_dgram_size    As Integer
    pending_sess      As Integer
    max_cfg_sess      As Integer
    max_sess          As Integer
    max_sess_pkt_size As Integer
    name_count        As Integer
End Type
Private Type NAME_BUFFER
    name        As String * NCBNAMSZ
    name_num    As Integer
    name_flags  As Integer
End Type
Private Type ASTAT
    adapt          As ADAPTER_STATUS
    NameBuff(30)   As NAME_BUFFER
End Type
Private Declare Function Netbios Lib "netapi32" (pncb As NET_CONTROL_BLOCK) As Byte
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _
     Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, ByVal hpvSource As Long, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
Private Declare Function GetProcessHeap Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Declare Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32" _
    (ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function HeapFree Lib "kernel32" _
    (ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpMem As Any) As Long
Public Function GetMACAddress() As String
    Dim tmp As String
    Dim pASTAT As Long
    Dim AST As ASTAT
    NCB.ncb_command = NCBRESET
    Call Netbios(NCB)
    NCB.ncb_callname = "*               "
    NCB.ncb_command = NCBASTAT
    NCB.ncb_lana_num = 0
    NCB.ncb_length = Len(AST)
    'allocation de la memoire dans le tas du processus
    pASTAT = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS Or _
                       HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, NCB.ncb_length)
    If pASTAT = 0 Then
        Debug.Print "pas assez de mémoire!" 'bon, y a peu de chance que ca arrive :o)
        Exit Function
    End If
    NCB.ncb_buffer = pASTAT
    'appel de la fonction netbios qui va nous donner les stats de la carte
    '(dont l'adresse MAC)
    Call Netbios(NCB)
    CopyMemory AST, NCB.ncb_buffer, Len(AST)
    tmp = Right$("00" & Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(0)), 2) & " " & _
          Right$("00" & Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(1)), 2) & " " & _
          Right$("00" & Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(2)), 2) & " " & _
          Right$("00" & Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(3)), 2) & " " & _
          Right$("00" & Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(4)), 2) & " " & _
          Right$("00" & Hex(AST.adapt.adapter_address(5)), 2)
    'désallocation de la mémoire...
    HeapFree GetProcessHeap(), 0, pASTAT
    GetMACAddress = tmp
End Function
Créé le 26 avril 2004  par Alexandre Lokchine

Placez ces déclarations dans un module standard :

Public Declare Function WNetConnectionDialog Lib "mpr.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
                                                            ByVal dwType As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function WNetDisconnectDialog Lib "mpr.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _
                                                            ByVal dwType As Long) As Long

Ensuite, utilisez l'appel adéquat dans chacune des situations :

Dim x As Long
'Connecter un lecteur réseau
x = WNetConnectionDialog(Me.hwnd, RESOURCETYPE_DISK)
'Déconnecter un lecteur réseau
x = WNetDisconnectDialog(Me.hwnd, RESOURCETYPE_DISK)
'Connecter une imprimante
x = WNetConnectionDialog(Me.hwnd, RESOURCETYPE_PRINT)
'Déconnecter une imprimante
x = WNetDisconnectDialog(Me.hwnd, RESOURCETYPE_PRINT)
Créé le 26 avril 2004  par Alexandre Lokchine, Romain Puyfoulhoux

Copiez ce code dans un module :

Private Declare Function EnumPorts Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumPortsA" _
                                   (ByVal pName As String, ByVal nLevel As Long, _
                                    lpbPorts As Any, ByVal cbBuf As Long, _
                                    pcbNeeded As Long, pcReturned As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrlenA Lib "kernel32" (lpString As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrcpyA Lib "kernel32" (lpString1 As Any, lpString2 As Any) As Long
Private Const SIZEOFPORT_INFO_2 = 20
Private Type PORT_INFO_2
    pPortName    As Long
    pMonitorName As Long
    pDescription As Long
    fPortType    As Long
    Reserved     As Long
End Type
Private Enum PortTypes
End Enum
Private Function GetStrFromPtrA(lpszA As Long) As String
    GetStrFromPtrA = String$(lstrlenA(ByVal lpszA), 0)
    Call lstrcpyA(ByVal GetStrFromPtrA, ByVal lpszA)
End Function
Public Function GetPorts() As String
    Dim pcbNeeded As Long, pcReturned  As Long, Boucle As Integer
    Dim PortI2() As PORT_INFO_2
    Dim StrPortType As String, ret As String
    EnumPorts vbNullString, 2, 0, 0, pcbNeeded, pcReturned
    If pcbNeeded Then
        ReDim PortI2((pcbNeeded / SIZEOFPORT_INFO_2))
        If EnumPorts(vbNullString, 2, PortI2(0), pcbNeeded, pcbNeeded, pcReturned) Then
            For Boucle = 0 To (pcReturned - 1)
                With PortI2(Boucle)
                    StrPortType = ""
                    If (.fPortType And PORT_TYPE_WRITE) Then StrPortType = "write "
                    If (.fPortType And PORT_TYPE_READ) Then StrPortType = StrPortType & "read "
                    If (.fPortType And PORT_TYPE_REDIRECTED) Then StrPortType = StrPortType & "redirected "
                    If (.fPortType And PORT_TYPE_NET_ATTACHED) Then StrPortType = StrPortType & "network"
                    ret = ret & GetStrFromPtrA(.pPortName) & " (" & StrPortType & ")" & "|"
                End With
        End If
    End If
    If Len(ret) > 0 Then ret = Left(ret, Len(ret) - 1)
    GetPorts = ret
End Function

La fonction GetPorts renvoie la liste des ports ouverts, séparés par le caractère "|". Il est ensuite recommandé d'appeler la fonction Split() afin de copier les éléments dans un tableau.

Créé le 28 juin 2004  par hpj, Alexandre Lokchine

NOTE : possible uniquement sous Windows NT/2000/XP Il faut avoir les droits sur la machine distante. Fonction : InitiateSystemShutDown qui prend pour argument : * le nom de la machine à redémarrer * le message à afficher sur l'ordinateur distant * le temps d'attente avant l'arrêt ou le reboot de la machine en ms * un booléen indiquant si vous souhaitez forcer ou non la fermeture des applications * un booléen à vrai si l'on souhaite rebooter après l'arrêt de la machine

Public Declare Function InitiateSystemShutdown Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
                 "InitiateSystemShutdownA" (ByVal lpMachineName As String, _
 ByVal lpMessage As String, ByVal dwTimeout As Long, _
 ByVal bForceAppsClosed As Long, ByVal bRebootAfterShutdown As Long) As Long 
Public Sub RedemarrerADistance() 
    Call InitiateSystemShutdown("\\COMPUTER1", "Votre ordinateur va être arrêté à distance _
                                           depuis VB dans 5 secondes", 5000, True, False) 
End Sub
Créé le 13 juin 2005  par Romain Puyfoulhoux

Lien : Site source

La solution est expliquée et largement commentée dans un tutoriel dont voici le lien :

Créé le 13 juin 2005  par Alexandre Lokchine

Lien : Ping sur une adresse IP

Il faut utiliser la fonction Ping(HostName As String) du code suivant :

Private Type WSAdata
    wVersion As Integer
    wHighVersion As Integer
    szDescription(0 To 255) As Byte
    szSystemStatus(0 To 128) As Byte
    iMaxSockets As Integer
    iMaxUdpDg As Integer
    lpVendorInfo As Long
End Type
Private Type Hostent
    h_name As Long
    h_aliases As Long
    h_addrtype As Integer
    h_length As Integer
    h_addr_list As Long
End Type
    TTL As Byte
    Tos As Byte
    Flags As Byte
    OptionsSize As Long
    OptionsData As String * 128
End Type
Private Type IP_ECHO_REPLY
    Address(0 To 3) As Byte
    Status As Long
    RoundTripTime As Long
    DataSize As Integer
    Reserved As Integer
    data As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function GetHostByName Lib "wsock32.dll" Alias "gethostbyname" (ByVal HostName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "wsock32.dll" (ByVal wVersionRequired&, lpWSAdata As WSAdata) As Long
Private Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "wsock32.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
Private Declare Function IcmpCreateFile Lib "icmp.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function IcmpCloseHandle Lib "icmp.dll" (ByVal HANDLE As Long) As Boolean
Private Declare Function IcmpSendEcho Lib "ICMP" (ByVal IcmpHandle As Long, ByVal DestAddress As Long,  _
ByVal RequestData As String, _
 ByVal RequestSize As Integer, RequestOptns As IP_OPTION_INFORMATION, ReplyBuffer As IP_ECHO_REPLY, _
  ByVal ReplySize As Long, ByVal TimeOut As Long) As Boolean
Private Function Ping(HostName As String) As Integer
    Dim hFile As Long, lpWSAdata As WSAdata
    Dim hHostent As Hostent, AddrList As Long
    Dim Address As Long, rIP As String
    Dim EchoReply As IP_ECHO_REPLY
    Call WSAStartup(&H101, lpWSAdata)
    If GetHostByName(HostName + String(64 - Len(HostName), 0)) <> SOCKET_ERROR Then
        CopyMemory hHostent.h_name, ByVal GetHostByName(HostName + String(64 - Len(HostName), 0)), Len(hHostent)
        CopyMemory AddrList, ByVal hHostent.h_addr_list, 4
        CopyMemory Address, ByVal AddrList, 4
    End If
    hFile = IcmpCreateFile()
    If hFile = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Unable to Create File Handle"
        Exit Function
    End If
    OptInfo.TTL = 255
    If IcmpSendEcho(hFile, Address, String(32, "A"), 32, OptInfo, EchoReply, Len(EchoReply) + 8, 2000) Then
        rIP = CStr(EchoReply.Address(0)) + "." + CStr(EchoReply.Address(1)) + "." + CStr(EchoReply.Address(2)) + "." + _
        Ping = -1
    End If
    If EchoReply.Status = 0 Then
        Ping = EchoReply.RoundTripTime
    End If
    Call IcmpCloseHandle(hFile)
    Call WSACleanup
End Function

Cette fonction renvoie -1 en timeout, sinon elle renvoie le temps en millisecondes pour établir le ping.

Mis à jour le 22 décembre 2008  par Gaël Donat

Si vous souhaitez créer un lien avec un fichier situé sur un réseau local, utilisez un chemin UNC (universal naming convention) (convention d'affectation de noms (UNC) : convention de dénomination de fichiers qui fournit un moyen de situer un fichier quelle que soit la machine où il se trouve. Plutôt que de spécifier une lettre de lecteur et un chemin d'accès, un nom UNC utilise la syntaxe \\serveur\partage\chemin\nom_fichier.), au lieu de la lettre d'identification d'une unité réseau mappée dans l'Explorateur Windows de Microsoft.

Dans un module, placez le code suivant :

Private Declare Function WNetGetConnection Lib "mpr.dll" Alias "WNetGetConnectionA" _ 
(ByVal lpszLocalName As String, ByVal lpszRemoteName As String, cbRemoteName As Long) As Long 
Public Function fnctGetUNCPath(ByVal PathName As String) As String 
Const MAX_UNC_LENGTH As Integer = 512 
Dim strUNCPath As String 
Dim strTempUNCName As String 
Dim lngReturnErrorCode As Long 
strTempUNCName = String(MAX_UNC_LENGTH, 0) 
lngReturnErrorCode = WNetGetConnection(Left(PathName, 2), strTempUNCName, _ 
If lngReturnErrorCode = 0 Then 
strTempUNCName = Trim(Left(strTempUNCName, InStr(strTempUNCName, vbNullChar) - 1)) 
strUNCPath = strTempUNCName & Mid(PathName, 3) 
End If 
fnctGetUNCPath = strUNCPath 
End Function

Exemple d'utilisation :

MsgBox fnctGetUNCPath("U:\Argyronet\OneAnyFile.txt")
Créé le 13 juin 2005  par argyronet

Voici un module pour récupérer une adresse MAC distante :

Option Explicit
' Déclarations pour GetRemoteMACAddress
Private Declare Function inet_addr Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" _
  (ByVal s As String) As Long
Private Declare Function SendARP Lib "iphlpapi.dll" _
  (ByVal DestIP As Long, _
   ByVal SrcIP As Long, _
   pMacAddr As Long, _
   PhyAddrLen As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "KERNEL32" _
   Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
  (dst As Any, _
   src As Any, _
   ByVal bcount As Long)
' Déclarations pour LetterToUNC
Private Const RESOURCETYPE_ANY = &H0
   dwScope As Long
   dwType As Long
   dwDisplayType As Long
   dwUsage As Long
   lpLocalName As Long
   lpRemoteName As Long
   lpComment As Long
   lpProvider As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function WNetOpenEnum Lib "mpr.dll" Alias _
   "WNetOpenEnumA" (ByVal dwScope As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, _
   ByVal dwUsage As Long, lpNetResource As Any, lphEnum As Long) _
   As Long
Private Declare Function WNetEnumResource Lib "mpr.dll" Alias _
   "WNetEnumResourceA" (ByVal hEnum As Long, lpcCount As Long, _
   lpBuffer As Any, lpBufferSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function WNetCloseEnum Lib "mpr.dll" ( _
   ByVal hEnum As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrlen Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "lstrlenA" _
   (ByVal lpString As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "lstrcpyA" _
   (ByVal lpString1 As Any, ByVal lpString2 As Any) As Long
' Déclarations pour LetterToUNC
Private Const WS_VERSION_REQD = &H101
Private Const MIN_SOCKETS_REQD = 1
Private Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1
Private Const WSADescription_Len = 256
Private Const WSASYS_Status_Len = 128
Private Type HOSTENT
    hName As Long
    hAliases As Long
    hAddrType As Integer
    hLength As Integer
    hAddrList As Long
End Type
Private Type WSADATA
    wversion As Integer
    wHighVersion As Integer
    szDescription(0 To WSADescription_Len) As Byte
    szSystemStatus(0 To WSASYS_Status_Len) As Byte
    iMaxSockets As Integer
    iMaxUdpDg As Integer
    lpszVendorInfo As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function WSAGetLastError Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long
Private Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal _
wVersionRequired As Integer, lpWSAData As WSADATA) As Long
Private Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long
Private Declare Function gethostname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal hostname$, _
ByVal HostLen As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal _
hostname$) As Long
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "KERNEL32" (hpvDest As Any, ByVal _
hpvSource&, ByVal cbCopy&)
Public Function GetRemoteMACAddress(ByVal pIPDistante As String) As String
Dim lAddr As Long
Dim lMacAddr As Long
Dim lMacAddrByte() As Byte
Dim lPhyAddrLen As Long
Dim lCpt As Integer
' Transforme l'adresse IP texte en adresse IP numérique
lAddr = inet_addr(pIPDistante)
If lAddr <> -1 Then
    ' Taille d'une adresse MAC = 6
    lPhyAddrLen = 6
    ' Recherche l'adresse MAC distante
    If SendARP(lAddr, 0&, lMacAddr, lPhyAddrLen) = 0 Then
        If (lMacAddr <> 0) And (lPhyAddrLen <> 0) Then
            ' Tableau de byte qui contiendra l'adresse MAC
            ReDim lMacAddrByte(0 To lPhyAddrLen - 1)
            ' Copy l'adresse MAC dans le tableau (lMacAddr est une adresse mémoire)
            CopyMemory lMacAddrByte(0), lMacAddr, ByVal lPhyAddrLen
            ' Converti l'adresse MAC en texte
            GetRemoteMACAddress = ""
            For lCpt = LBound(lMacAddrByte) To UBound(lMacAddrByte)
                GetRemoteMACAddress = GetRemoteMACAddress & Right("00" & Hex(lMacAddrByte(lCpt)), 2) & IIf(lCpt = UBound(lMacAddrByte), "", "-")
        End If
    End If
End If
End Function
' Source KB Microsoft :
Public Function LetterToUNC(DriveLetter As String) As String
Dim hEnum As Long
Dim NetInfo(1023) As NETRESOURCE
Dim entries As Long
Dim nStatus As Long
Dim LocalName As String
Dim UNCName As String
Dim i As Long
Dim r As Long
' Begin the enumeration
   0&, ByVal 0&, hEnum)
LetterToUNC = "Drive Letter Not Found"
'Check for success from open enum
If ((nStatus = 0) And (hEnum <> 0)) Then
   ' Set number of entries
   entries = 1024
   ' Enumerate the resource
   nStatus = WNetEnumResource(hEnum, entries, NetInfo(0), _
      CLng(Len(NetInfo(0))) * 1024)
   ' Check for success
   If nStatus = 0 Then
      For i = 0 To entries - 1
         ' Get the local name
         LocalName = ""
         If NetInfo(i).lpLocalName <> 0 Then
            LocalName = Space(lstrlen(NetInfo(i).lpLocalName) + 1)
            r = lstrcpy(LocalName, NetInfo(i).lpLocalName)
         End If
         ' Strip null character from end
         If Len(LocalName) <> 0 Then
            LocalName = Left(LocalName, (Len(LocalName) - 1))
         End If
         If UCase$(LocalName) = UCase$(DriveLetter) Then
            ' Get the remote name
            UNCName = ""
            If NetInfo(i).lpRemoteName <> 0 Then
               UNCName = Space(lstrlen(NetInfo(i).lpRemoteName) _
                  + 1)
               r = lstrcpy(UNCName, NetInfo(i).lpRemoteName)
            End If
            ' Strip null character from end
            If Len(UNCName) <> 0 Then
               UNCName = Left(UNCName, (Len(UNCName) _
                  - 1))
            End If
            ' Return the UNC path to drive
            LetterToUNC = UNCName
            ' Exit the loop
            Exit For
         End If
      Next i
   End If
End If
' End enumeration
nStatus = WNetCloseEnum(hEnum)
End Function
' Source KB Microsoft :
Private Function hibyte(ByVal wParam As Integer)
    hibyte = wParam \ &H100 And &HFF&
End Function
Private Function lobyte(ByVal wParam As Integer)
    lobyte = wParam And &HFF&
End Function
Private Sub SocketsInitialize()
Dim iReturn As Integer
Dim sLowByte As String, sHighByte As String, sMsg As String
    iReturn = WSAStartup(WS_VERSION_REQD, WSAD)
    If iReturn <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Winsock.dll is not responding."
    End If
    If lobyte(WSAD.wversion) < WS_VERSION_MAJOR Or (lobyte(WSAD.wversion) = _
        WS_VERSION_MAJOR And hibyte(WSAD.wversion) < WS_VERSION_MINOR) Then
        sHighByte = Trim$(Str$(hibyte(WSAD.wversion)))
        sLowByte = Trim$(Str$(lobyte(WSAD.wversion)))
        sMsg = "Windows Sockets version " & sLowByte & "." & sHighByte
        sMsg = sMsg & " is not supported by winsock.dll "
        MsgBox sMsg
    End If
    'iMaxSockets is not used in winsock 2. So the following check is only
    'necessary for winsock 1. If winsock 2 is requested,
    'the following check can be skipped.
    If WSAD.iMaxSockets < MIN_SOCKETS_REQD Then
        sMsg = "This application requires a minimum of "
        sMsg = sMsg & Trim$(Str$(MIN_SOCKETS_REQD)) & " supported sockets."
        MsgBox sMsg
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub SocketsCleanup()
Dim lReturn As Long
    lReturn = WSACleanup()
    If lReturn <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Socket error " & Trim$(Str$(lReturn)) & " occurred in Cleanup "
    End If
End Sub
Public Function GetIpFromHost(ByVal pHostName As String) As Variant
Dim hostname As String * 256
Dim hostent_addr As Long
Dim host As HOSTENT
Dim hostip_addr As Long
Dim temp_ip_address() As Byte
Dim i As Integer
Dim ip_address As String
Dim lCpt As Integer
Dim lResult() As String
On Error GoTo Gestion_Erreurs
    ' Retire le double \
    If Left(pHostName, 2) = "\\" Then
        pHostName = Right(pHostName, Len(pHostName) - 2)
    End If
    ' Retire un éventuel chemin
    If InStr(pHostName, "\") > 0 Then
        pHostName = Left(pHostName, InStr(pHostName, "\") - 1)
    End If
    hostname = Trim$(pHostName & vbNullChar)
    hostent_addr = gethostbyname(hostname)
    If hostent_addr = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Winsock.dll is not responding."
        Exit Function
    End If
    RtlMoveMemory host, hostent_addr, LenB(host)
    RtlMoveMemory hostip_addr, host.hAddrList, 4
    'get all of the IP address if machine is  multi-homed
    lCpt = 0
        ReDim temp_ip_address(1 To host.hLength)
        RtlMoveMemory temp_ip_address(1), hostip_addr, host.hLength
        For i = 1 To host.hLength
            ip_address = ip_address & temp_ip_address(i) & "."
        ip_address = Mid$(ip_address, 1, Len(ip_address) - 1)
        ReDim lResult(lCpt)
        lResult(lCpt) = ip_address
        lCpt = lCpt + 1
        ip_address = ""
        host.hAddrList = host.hAddrList + LenB(host.hAddrList)
        RtlMoveMemory hostip_addr, host.hAddrList, 4
     Loop While (hostip_addr <> 0)
    GetIpFromHost = lResult
End Function
Il y a trois fonctions :
  • - LetterToUNC qui transforme une lettre de disque en nom réseau
  • - GetIpFromHost qui recherche les adresses IP d'un serveur
  • - GetRemoteMACAddress qui recherche l'adresse MAC à partir d'une IP

Y a juste à rechercher la lettre du disque sur lequel est la base distante pour remplacer le "Q:" que j'ai mis en dur dans le code.

Mis à jour le 22 décembre 2008  par Cafeine

Lien : Comment obtenir l'adresse MAC de la carte réseau ?

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